Wednesday, February 10th
Salle Adrienne-Milotte, Cégep St-Laurent (Pavillon E)
Workshop #1, 11 AM to 12:30 PM: Cassandra Miller (Colombie Britannique)
Mini-concert*: O Zomer!

Saturday, February 13th
Salle de récital du Conservatoire
Workshop #2, 10 AM to 11:30 AM: Simon Martin (Québec)
Mini-concert*: Poème d'appartenance

Workshop #3, 1:30 PM to 3 PM: Gordon Williamson (Ontario)
Mini-concert*: Two Pairs

Workshop #4, 3:15 PM to 4:45 PM: Christopher Mayo (Ontario)
Mini-concert*: Godfrey

*Note: the Mini-Concerts' works will be played at the beggining of each workshop.

Véronique Lacroix, conductor and host
ECM+: 9 musicians

In coproduction with Conservatoire de musique de Montréal

Poème d’appartenance, Simon Martin; Godfrey, Christopher Mayo; O Zomer!, Cassandra Miller; Two Pairs, Gordon Williamson

Currently in its 6th edition, the Generation project consists of public composition workshops with four selected composers working directly with the ECM+ musicians. Véronique Lacroix will conduct the ensemble and lead the workshops illustrating the creative process behind musical composition.
TICKETS (Montreal)
Billetterie : n
Information : 514 524-0173
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